Videos are Hard
Golden, Colorado: September 28, 2015

Mike helped me record my first professional videos for my web site... well, I have a lot of work to do before it's ready.

Take 1, 3.9 Mb
Take 2, 7.2 Mb
My favorite....
Take 3, 5.7 Mb
Take 4, 28.1 Mb
Take 5, 5.7 Mb

Hello, my name is Kari Sanders, and I am looking forward to speaking with you about the power of measurement and prediction - my lessons learned from software project management.

Have you ever had a task or project report progress well initially, then seem like it is always approaching 100% done but never quite there? Perhaps you had trouble negotiating with a customer regarding scope creep, or had an important risk that you were unable to get stakeholders to act upon.

In this presentation, I will first summarize common problems, such as these, on projects that have insufficient measurement and prediction capabilities. Then, I will review tools for improving this as well as examples of how those tools have been successfully implemented. These tools have been applied to both development and operations and maintenance projects. Best of all, they are not expensive nor time consuming to implement. Doing so will help you improve communication with stakeholders about key aspects of your project, paving the way to success.

Last updated 28Sep2015