Patio Project
Golden, Colorado: May, 2008

We've been working on a project to enclose the patio - to give us a nice bug free place to sit and to have a place where Chloe can be "outside" unattended. To the latter goal, we bought "pet screen" which is a vinyl-coated fiberglass and much stronger than normal screen. Once we're sure she is properly adjusted and can't get out, we plan to add a pet door, so she'll be able to go in and out at 4 am in the morning by herself...

Here are some pictures from before we installed the screen:

Chloe hunting:

Chloe "hiding" (to her credit, she can do a much better job than that):

Pretty irises growing on the wall by the shed:

Chloe hiding in the garden:

Chloe bored of waiting for the patio to be finished:

Mike and his dad working on the screen (which actually took quite a bit of effort to install):

Chloe inspects her new spot:

View of the patio from outside (interior still needs some work. That'll be done some other weekend.):

Peeking out....

Jarl's Pics
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