Visit with Jim and Gwen
Lisco, Nebraska: August 12, 2004

Jim and Gwen's driveway is marked by a sign their son, Stormy, made for them.

Here's a view of their house, their view from the back patio, and a puppy who had come to visit.

They took us for a tour of all the things they are working on. First stop was the hotel they are building, with the hope of attracting duck hunters and other folks who are looking for a place to stay in the area. The picture below shows the first building being built. (Gwen is planning on at least a second building that would server as a main house with a kitchen area, etc.) The two pictures under those show the view from the hotel.

Gwen's horses live near their old house, which I believe they now rent to someone.

On our way to the next stop, we passed some of their cows.

On this hill, Jim and Gwen hope to build another house of hotel. It's way off in the future, but they'd like to take advantage of the great view somehow. Jim, Gwen, and Mike are shown in the picture below and all the others show the view from the top of the hill.

On the way back to their house, we passed a field of sunflowers that belongs to one of their neighbors.

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979