
December 30: Phoebe on her favorite blanket.
Phoebe Dec 30
"Are you still here?"
Phoebe Dec 30
Phoebe Dec 30

December 27: Phoebe starts adjusting to the shelf my uncle sent her for Christmas.
Phoebe Dec 27
by the next day, the adjustment was complete.....
Phoebe Dec 28

October 5: Phoebe's favorite place to sit.
Phoebe sitting on Mike

October 5: There's lots of things to watch outside when you're on the ground floor.
Phoebe Oct 5

September 2: Getting comfy.
Phoebe Sep 2

June 20: Waiting for the move. Phoebe became very suspicious of our house-hunting activities.

Phoebe June 20

April 28: Phoebe gets an idea....and gets comfy
Phoebe - 28 April
Phoebe - 28 April
Phoebe - 28 April

March 16: Sleeping on my nightstand (It's also a good place to look out the window when one isn't sleeping)

Phoebe March 16

February 15: Sleeping at the top of the closet

Phoebe Feb 15
Phoebe Feb 15

February 11: Watching Mike

It's interesting to watch Mike play "Serious Sam"....
Phoebe Feb 11

but not so interesting to watch him do other things.

Phoebe Feb 11

January 1: A little spot for napping
Phoebe Jan 1

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979