Kari's Facebook Posts


May 21, 2009 1:29:51 pm

Gardens 21May2009: Chloe and allium


May 24, 2009 9:19:02 pm
It's a beautiful night here in Golden. Roughly 50 degrees and the air is cool and crisp from all the rain we had this afternoon.
Absolutely perfect weather. I went outside to shake off the duster (tired of plucking cat hair out of wet paint, need to clean up a little)
and our neighbor was having a fire...maybe pinion pine. made me think of being in the Canadian Rockies....


May 25, 2009 11:30:56 am

Emerald Lake, Canada 2007: Mike in a canoe on Emerald Lake


May 30, 2009 8:15:39 pm

Here's a pic my from bday dinner at a Mexican Restaurant. We went with Mike's parents, his sister and her family.
The waitress asked if I would be taking the cake home...until I pointed out that "omg give me chocolate"<look on my 3-yr old niece's face.
Her sister was better - not only can the li'l 1-yr old feed herself cake, but she used her spoon to drag her dad's dish closer for a 2nd helping. We were all impressed.


Jun 06, 2009 10:57:39 am

Things in the world of our little cat are shaping up - Mike is home, the living room ceiling is almost done
(means furniture will start migrating back to semi-normal places - I am still working on 2 of the walls).
The sad part will be Mike's favorite chair returning to its normal position. It's almost as fun as the cat condo....
here she is in the hallway yesterday morning.


Jun 12, 2009 7:45:56 pm

I am absolutely exhausted....more work to do this weekend. But the good news is that Super Toad lives!
(yes, his name really is Super Toad, it was written on his butt when I got him - unless that's too Back to the Future for you. *grin*)
With all of our stormy weather, I had been worried about him blowing away, so Mike constructed a Super Toad anchoring system. And here he is!


Jun 20, 2009 3:42:16 pm

yesterday I told you about the flowers....and here they are! All the birds might be open by tomorrow.
I had been wondering how FTD would ship them...good thing I had them arrive a few days early. Wisely,
they shipped this fragile flower while it was still tucked safely in its shell and they've been opening one by one since yesterday.


Jun 20, 2009 3:52:34 pm

one more picture


Jun 27, 2009 3:17:55 pm

Mike has arrived safely in Toronto. He was on the same flight as one of the guys from school.
When I spoke with him at 3, he was on his way to the hotel. Tomorrow, he has a workshop to go to from 8-5.
Monday, he is presenting his poster in the evening....Grover Coors, his customer, will be there and has already
started directing international colleagues to the booth, so Mike will be busy. and the rose bush bloomed! e will be busy. and the rose bush bloomed!


Jul 23, 2009 7:20:44 pm

Chloe says, "It's hot today"


Jul 23, 2009 7:21:29 pm

squinty hot cat.


Aug 14, 2009 4:42:08 pm

I love when the roses bloom for a second time in the summer.


Aug 14, 2009 4:53:06 pm

I think what I needed most for day 1 of my mini-vacation was just to wear myself out a litte. I spent a 5 hours
working on my trench and got all the way around to the part I have dubbed "Trenchtown rock!"
...it's half clay, half rocks. Impossible to get the shovel through from the surface, but I did have some luck
coming in sideways from within the trench. Going to see District 9 tonight with Mike & Diana tongiht. :)


Aug 16, 2009 3:23:18 pm

apparently what I needed more than anything was more sleep. Slept for 10 hours both of the past 2 nights.
In other news, the neighborhood got a visitor today, who I got a few pictures of before he bolted off.
lock up the roses! The deer are coming back. (http://mksanders.com/2006pics/deer.html)


Aug 23, 2009 1:00:46 pm

my favorite bug has returned! I was pretty sure I had seen praying mantis eggs in the mint patch
earlier in the year, but then...no praying mantis. I was sad that something had gone horribly wrong
with the eggs until today....


Sep 13, 2009 10:08:05 am

Jason and Micki Fish's Wedding: 12Sep2009: closer view of Jason waiting for Micki to enter


Sep 21, 2009 7:33:49 pm

It's going to be a long winter. One single day with a little bit of snow and Chloe was besides herself...
rampaging, and then just sad.


Oct 04, 2009 10:00:13 pm

was a great weekend. We enjoyed going out with Scott and Jessica on Saturday as well as seeing
Zombieland with Jarl (very enjoyable movie!). Mike spent a lot of time on his thesis paper and
I have spent a bit of time digging. 6 years of talk and this is the year the patio becomes real!
Now that I have someone to give the dirt to, progress is coming along quite nicely. You can see
the part of the patio area I dug out this weekend.


Oct 09, 2009 7:28:30 pm

you wouldn't know it by blanket time, but today was a beautiful day. I took the day off from
work and spent most of it working on the patio project. more than halfway done digging!


Oct 09, 2009 8:16:35 pm

celery anyone? Mike laughed that I needed to clean the fridge - something is growing!
I did 2 truckloads of dirt today - one to Annette and one to Judy. Judy gave me an
entire celery plant in return. She noted my surprise and told me I could freeze some
for stew. Guess I will be googling how to freeze celery tonight... :>)


Oct 13, 2009 6:08:30 pm
These little leaf-bag ghosts look happy now, but little do they know my instructions
are to stab them in the head with a twist tie and hang them from the trees. It's a brutal world.


Oct 25, 2009 6:09:41 pm

help me! I have snow on my head! :>)


Oct 25, 2009 6:12:33 pm

patio status: The rough dig is done. I just need to finish a few things and then I will be ready
for weedblock and gravel. I am hoping to get Friday off via flex time to finish the digging and
put down weedblock (already have enough hours in to do that, hopefully it will be quiet
enough to get away)


Oct 29, 2009 8:54:27 pm

Here's my little project for the night...just to make things official


Oct 31, 2009 8:43:47 pm

Halloween 2009: Maddie spoke with Chloe - she told her "We have to leave now but we'll be back. maybe tomorrow"
We weren't convinced that Chloe was all that concerned about when the girls come back....


Nov 07, 2009 8:18:52 am

I woke up this morning to see my cat do what I call a poop scoot - something was stuck
to her fuzz so she put her butt on the floor and scooted around the living room. Quite a
sight.*sigh* So, now I am washing the rugs. which meant we had the audacity to move Castle
Chloe, so now she is prepared to defend it against further attacks.


Nov 14, 2009 10:45:24 am

Earlier this week, Chloe found my napping spot. We thought her little nest was cute.


Nov 14, 2009 10:47:32 am

For those who didn't see Jarl's post - here's a picture he took at Mike's thesis defense on Wednesday.


Nov 14, 2009 5:04:57 pm

I got an early Christmas present and it comes with labor. but Mike wanted me to acknowledge
that this snowblower was more my idea than his and that I had numerous occassions to decide
not to do it and he even tried to talk me out of it...but in the end, we got it for $350
off b/c the one we originally went in for was out of stock.


Nov 20, 2009 10:39:48 pm

working on party invitations for a smaller party after Mike's graduation, and I think I have
come across two of the best graduation fuzzies I have ever drawn. I haven't been able
to decide which one is better, so I scanned both :>)


Nov 27, 2009 8:26:44 pm

here's one of two pictures from today - my bro and his girlfriend, Kim, with a cat they
befriended on a walk through Golden


Nov 27, 2009 8:28:38 pm

here's the second of two pictures from today - Mike and Kim along Clear Creek


Nov 29, 2009 12:30:14 pm

I changed Chloe's blanket while cleaning up the guest room. The new thicker blanket for winter has been accepted....


Dec 05, 2009 4:36:22 pm

Every year I buy myself a new lawn ornament. The Christmas seal a few years back really raised the bar, though. So it took me a while to fin one for this year. I did. Chloe was busy fussing in the garage and missed its grand entrace into the house. So, when she came in from the garage, I think she was thinking "What the hell is that?!?"


Dec 05, 2009 4:37:08 pm

a more in-focus picture of the Christmas Zebra (had to act fast for the first one with Chloe)


Dec 26, 2009 10:21:27 am

We had a great day yesterday - morning with the Lyons, dinner with the Sanders, evening with the Anderson-Tidd family. And then I got wrapped up in doing this puzzle until 2:30 am


Last updated 25Jan2025

Jarl's Pics
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