Dexter's Birthday Party
Arvada, Colorado: March 6, 2015

Mike meets Dooley! (Dooley Bear Lyon, the new puppy)
Michael Sanders and Dooley Bear Lyon
Michael Sanders and Dooley Bear Lyon
Michael Sanders and Dooley Bear Lyon

Dexter offers to help prepare dinner:

Peaches surveys the kitchen:

The key to dealing with puppies is clear, concise communication:

Terry Sanders - an island in a sea of chaos.

Peaches contemplates life at the kids' table

It's not easy to get a picture of Dooley

Mike and Dexter

The birthday boy!
Click this link to see pictures of Dexter as a puppy

and the blur named Dooley:

Suddenly, he decided it was nap time.

Peaches says, "Just let him sleep."

Dexter wonders about his birthday dinner:

Peaches was still hoping to get dinner at the kids' table:

I'm awake!



Birthday celebration!


Happy Birthday, Dexter!. AVI file, 5 Mb

Still trying to get a picture of Dooley. I'm posting these so you'll better appreciate the one shot where he stopped moving for half a second. *grin*

Ta da!

Last updated 13Apr2015

Jarl's Pics
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