Kari's Freedom from Homework Party! (aka MBA Party)
Golden, Colorado: March 8, 2014

Much to the relief of everyone who follows my posts on Facebook, I completed my MBA in Strategic Management
on March 2. So, I hosted 2 "freedom from homework" parties (official graduation is May 3) - one at lunch time with family and one
in the evening with some friends. I only remembered to take pictures after lunch - and here they are! Well, ok, I should say
I remembered to take pictures as soon as baby Troy Christian Sanders showed up... and here he is! (born Feb 27th)

Troy with his mom, Hailey, and grandma, Bella.

From left to right: Mike's Uncle Mark (dad's brother, Troy's grandpa), Rob (Mark's son), Nancy Kerbaugh (Mike's mom's cousin's wife),
Dave Kerbaugh (Mike's mom's cousin), Grandma Kitty (Pat Sanders, Mike's dad's mom), Auntie Linda Sanders (Mike's dad's sister)

Mike with his sister (Rannae Lyon) and mom (Gwenn Sanders)

Valerie (Rannae's daughter) and Clara (Rob's daughter) playing with dragons:

Mike and Maddie (Rannae's oldest daughter). They're absolutely cracking up because of something I said, but I won't repeat it here.

Bella holding Troy, with Valerie, Rannae, Mark (Uncle Mark's son, Troy's dad), and Clara.

star of the show was quite curious about all the goings on at the party

Valerie just could not get enough time with Troy

and the whole thing wore out Chloe

Last updated 10Mar2014

Jarl's Pics
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