One of our first projects in he house was to start remodeling the first-floor bathroom. We started ordering things in August and started to take the old bathroom apart during the first week of September. Due to problems with getting parts in as well as schedule, the project has dragged on - but it looks great! So, it will all be worthwhile.
Mike's Dad took some time off from work during the week of Labor Day, and he helped tear out the old bathroom - and not a moment to soon! He said the sink separated from the rim as soon as he tried to disconnect the plumbing. Yes, the old bathroom was falling apart already.
The bathroom passed the Golden City inspection for drywall installation on October 28th, so we started the process of spackling and taping.
With the painting complete and some time off from school and work, Mike and his dad started to put the new bathroom together. The tile is actually cobalt blue, but it looks black in the picture.
Mike and his Dad installed the shower doors today, and Mike has been painting the trim.
Mike and his Dad finished the bathroom today. We're extremely pleased with it.
One of the things we like most is that our design was successfully "Mike-sized" but "Kari-accessible".