Football Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Canton, Ohio: August 8, 2004

The induction was being held in the same stadium that would be used for the Hall of Fame Football Game. The surrounding area was fenced. On the way to the entrance, we passed the Madden Horse Trailer and mounted police officers. One inside, we could see the outside of the stadium, the Football Hall of Fame, and one of many TV outposts.

We were a little early, so we got a good look at the empty stadium and the Goodyear blimp.

When it was time to start the ceremony, Chris Burman of ESPN introduced the inductees. For each, a family member would speak and then the inductee would speak.

First up was Carl Eller's son, then Carl Eller. After his speech, Carl went to the side of the stage to have his picture taken with his HoF bust.

Next was Bob Brown and his son.

Then, Barry Sanders and his dad. The rest of the Sanders clan was in blue jerseys near the front of the stage. Barry has this funny nervous laugh that kept the whole crowd interested.

It was high time for a commercial break. Hey, TV rules sports. During the commercial break, some of the inductees met folks who were sitting close to the stage.

Most of the people in the stands were Broncos fans, so things got a little crazy once it was John's turn. His daughter introduced him, and in doing so, became the first female and the first daughter to introduce an inductee for the Football Hall of Fame.

While we were waiting for the crowd to disperse, Mike caught a picture of me. The delay also gave us an opportunity to catch the final part of the photo shoot, where all 4 inductees posed with their busts.

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