Mines Dinner at Our House
Golden, Colorado: April 26, 2014

We hosted the dinner for the group Mike works with at the Colorado School of Mines.
In years past, the group had gone on a ski trip, but Ryan and Lisa's baby daughter, Anna, is not yet ready for
spending time at high altitudes. So, we had the same spaghetti dinner in town! It worked out great!

Prior to the party, Chloe was bothered by all the preparations...

Group pictures! From left to right:
Svitlana Pylypenko with her husband (Tim) and daughter, Sacha; Daniel Clark with Vanessa Bartholomew
In the back, Jason and Micki Fish. In the front, Lisa Wong, Ryan O'Hare, and Anna.
In the back, Stefan Nikodemski. In the front, Ann Deml.
Next the Ann, Yi Ke's mom (visiting from China) and Yi.Mike is standing behind them.
Prabu with his wife, Raji, and their two daughters, Jaya and ?.

Yi took some pictures with me in them

Last updated 27Apr2014

Jarl's Pics
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