Wall update: Mostly Finished
Golden, Colorado: November 13, 2005

In a final push to finish most of the wall before winter, Mike and his mom worked on it during the week while I was at work. Here are some pictures Mike took when the topsoil was delivered. I had already laid out some bulbs behind the wall, so we just need to put 6 inches of top soil on top of them, along 80 feet of wall. After these pictures were taken, Mike and I finished the planter and the corner next to the planter. We'll finish the stairs in Spring '06.

Here's 4 yards of top soil, and Gwenn helping to move it (actually November 10th. The rest of the pictures are from the 13th.).

The prototype for the stairs: (one light per stair)

The planter and the decorative rock next to the planter. This rock, from Pioneer Sand Company on Highway 93, is called "Indian Sunset" (the red and pink highlights don't show well in the picture. Some detail can be seen in the zoom image). We plan to make a mini wall along the back of the house and fill that area with this rock, too. The plan is to put down some fresh weedblock and a thicker layer or rock to clean up that part of the yard.

The fill behind the wall is now at the proper level. We expect to have to add a little more soil after it settles this winter.

And here is the wall in its winterized form (defined as the state we're leaving it in over the winter)

Jarl's Pics
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