Before Mike and I left for Long Island, his mom hosted a family get-together. Uncle Dale gave Mike and I our first digital camera. It wasn't long before Mike had it up and he took some test pictures.
Danielle (Mike's cousin) opens her gifts
Mike's Dad plays with Casey (Mike's cousin) while Rob looks on
Bridget and Me
Gathering in the Kitchen: from left to right - Rannae, Bridget, Dave, Nancy (and Mike's mom and me to the far right)
Patches sleeps in the hall
East Patchogue, New York
Christmas, 2000
We alternate years for visiting my family in New York or visiting Mike's family for Christmas. 2000 was a New York year, and my Mom sent me these pictures from Christmas dinner at my parents' house.
Mike and me
From left to right: Grandma (my Dad's Mom), Aunt Pris (my dad's sister), Aunt Mary (Grandma's sister), Mike, Tony (my dad), Linda (my mom), and me.