Mother's Day Party
Golden, Colorado: May 12, 2013

I know everyone complains that I am always the person behind the camera, so I took some pictures before we left for Mike s parents' house.

All the cool weather this year delayed the tulips and other bulbs, so they were in full bloom.

My dad, goofing around with our nieces - Maddie and Val.

Happy onlookers - my mom, Rannae, and Mike.

Time for a new game....

Mike is wounded in battle and veers off...

Mike collapses from exhaustion (he was kidding)...

A dull moment...

Not so dull!

A Maddie bridge

Valerie started collecting roly poly bugs (potato bugs - officially known as pill bugs), while the others played on.

Valerie shows my mom the source of her bug collection...


Valerie takes the bugs on a mystical journey...

The bugs were freed by the U.S. (Rob) acting on behalf of the U.N. (me) when she wasn't looking.

Present time!

Pretty cake that Terry picked up.

I received complaint about me not being in pictures at the party, so I took a few more when I got home.

I tried to take a buddy shot with Chloe, but she refused to participate.

Last updated 12May2013

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979