New Mexico 2015 - Kari's NRAO Adventure
May 6-9, 2015

In February, I responded to a request for speakers that the NRAO put out to the Project Management Institute on LinkedIn. I spent some time negotiating the
topic with them - the first one I submitted was too advanced. So, I came up with a presentation that covered a minimal set of tips and tricks for making a software
development project successful. It was an hour talk, plus time for Q&A - I presented to a group in Socorro, New Mexico, but they also did a video-teleconference with
their other sites and filmed the presentation for future training sessions. They covered the cost of our hotel in Socorro, and also arranged for a VIP tour of the
Very Large Array (VLA) - the one from the movie Contact,

When it came time to plan the trip, I suggested that they could avoid the cost of my airfare if the trip was planned for after Mike gave his class their final. The wheels
were set in motion for a quick vacation to New Mexico!

Last updated 17May2015

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