Park Hyatt Tokyo
Kyushu, Japan: June 10, 2013

Last email to folks in the USA:  

Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 5:49 PM

Good morning from Tokyo!

It’s our last day here in Japan and we are excited to head home to see the fuzzerkin. (I told Mike I was trying to figure out a plan for when we got
home and then I said, "Wait, I think my plan is spoken for - take Chloe outside.")

We were happily reunited with the two bags we shipped from Kyoto to Tokyo when we got to our hotel. (they have a nice service here for hotel-to-hotel
shipping so you don't have to drag everything through the train station. ) We had a wonderful evening at the Park Hyatt and really enjoyed the New York
Bar & Grill on the 52nd floor. Mike plans to rent "Lost in Translation" again for kicks. (part of the movie was filmed in that bar)

It’s a quarter to 9 am on Tuesday here. Our bus for the airport leaves the hotel at 12:05 pm. It’s a 2-hour ride, and probably about 3 hrs in the airport,
but we wanted to be sure we got there with plenty of time since there really isn't a second flight to catch if you miss your flight. We saved our United club
passes that came with the credit card for the wait. :>) We will land at 1:15 pm Denver - still on Tuesday! It'll be nice to get the day back. I am off
from work on Wed, returning Thurs.

kari sue


Our suitcases!

Our hotel room in the Park Hyatt:
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Park Hyatt Tokyo
The lighting design in the hallway was stunning.
Park Hyatt Tokyo
Our last dinner in Japan! View from our table in the New York Grill on the 52nd floor of the hotel:

Michael Sanders at the New York Grill, Park Hyatt Tokyo
Kari Sanders (Kari Rawluk) at the New York Grill, Park Hyatt Tokyo

After dinner, we switched to the other side of the room, by the bar and the band,



Traffic as seen from the bar from "Lost in Translation" (with the band playing in the background). AVI file, 5.2 Mb
So many blinking red lights (with the band playing in the background). AVI file, 4.2 Mb


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