Canada Trip - Traveling to Nova Scotia
Newark, New Jersey and Halifax, Nova Scotia: May 21, 2015

Our trip started out very well - we had been upgraded to First Class on our way from Denver to Newark, and we
got a tasty lunch out of the deal. Then, we got to Newark. The terminal for the regional jets was in chaos. We had a
3 hour delay while waiting for a plane. Luckily, we had passes for the United lounge, which seemed to be the only place
in the terminal that was air conditioned. Here's a picture of Gandolf entering the hobbit hole... I mean, Mike boarding
the regional jet.
Michael Sanders

Thankfully, things got better once we landed in Canada. Customs was quick and easy, our luggage beat us to the carousel,
and Hertz had stayed open waiting for our late arrival. (and closed after we got there. Thanks go to my parents for giving
they and the hotel a heads up that we were running really late.) After a half-hour drive to downtown Halifax, we were very
happy to find our lovely hotel at approximately 2 am Halifax time. Even though the 3-hour time change was in our favor,
we were still exhausted. Good night!

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Last updated 20Jun2015

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