Mike's Master's Degree Graduation - Colorado School of Mines
December, 2009

Mike graduated with his master's degree from the Colorado School of Mines on December 18th.
Here are pictures from the graduation ceremony plus a few from the party with family that evening.
He is continuing with his research in order to earn a PhD.

Mike just before the graduation ceremony. The yellow around is neck is part of the hood for the master's degree.

The stage. Mines has one flag for each country a graduate is from.

waiting for the ceremony to begin - Grandma Kitty, Auntie Linda, Mike's dad and his mom

The ceremony starts with the professors entering. The first professor is carrying the university mace.
Mines introduced a school mace in 1984. It is "4 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 16 pounds.
The core is a rosewood staff, covered by fitted brass and cast bronze, silver plated, and topped with Blaster,
the rendering of the school's mascot by sculptor Manuel Martinez." (graduation program)

Dr. David Munoz and the CSM mace

professors file onto the stage

graduates file into the gym. Since the graduation was in the winter, it was held indoors. and it was much
smaller than a normal ceremony in the spring, so it only took 2 hours!
I voted for Mike to also get his PhD in the winter. ;>)

the graduates with the puffy hats are getting their PhD. Mike is looking forward to his own velvet robe and puffy hat.

Mike's friend Joe was also getting his masters


Mike enters. Starting from the right, there are 2 male masters candidates, a small female, and then Mike


and there he goes to his seat, He's the one with the pony tail about 4 people deep

The school president addressed the crowd to start the cermony

the president of the student association addressed the graduates

Denver Mayor Hickenlooper was the keynote speaker for the event

Denver Mayor Hickenlooper

official confirmation that these graduates are good to go

Joe getting his master's degree

Mike waiting for his turn to get his degree. He is 6th from the left

Mike waiting at the stage (2nd behind the flag)

Mike waiting for his turn

Mike getting his degree

Mike getting his picture taken afterward

another picture begin taken of Mike before he heads to his seat.
Here you can get a better idea of what his master;s hood looks like.

blurry Mike going back to his seat

Mayor Hickenlooper getting an honorary PhD

the graduates are ready to leave.

Mike is 4th from the left in the last row of students shown here

the graduates being to leave

this is Mike's row leaving - you can only see his glasses

Mike leaves the gym. he is about mid-way up, near the lady with the red shirt.

Mike leaves the gym - he is 6th from the top of the stairs.

Mike with his parents, Grandma Kitty, and Aunt Bella outside the student center.

Mike with his mom and me outside the student center

Mike's master's hood

It was a beautiful day in Golden. Here's the view of the geology building (red roof),
engineering building, and South Table Mountain from the steps of the student center.

Chloe and the balloons before the party started

setup for Mike's graduation party

Maddie helping Mike open gifts.

for some reason my flash didn't go off here, but it's one of the only party pictures I have, so:
from left to right: Uncle Mark, Mike's dad Terry, Uncle Dale, Sarah (Mike's cousin),
Mike's mom Gwenn, his sister Rannae, our niece Maddie, Mike, and Grandma Kitty.

a bit blurry, but it's one of the only party pictures I have, so:
from left to right: Aunt Bella, Mike's dad Terry, Uncle Mark, Sarah (Mike's cousin), Uncle Dale,
Mike's mom Gwenn, his sister Rannae, our niece Maddie, Mike, and Grandma Kitty.

I had taken the balloons down for the girls to play with. As they were getting ready to leave, our niece Valerie
got really excited and started attacking them....it was very hard to get her to stop and I opted not to send the
balloons home with the girls. but don't worry! Maddie did take a single blue balloon home as well as 4 helium balloons.

Mike was trying to catch a picture of Valerie in action - running, screeching, and attacking the balloons.

Last updated 25Jan2025

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979