Basement Storage Project - The Beginning
Golden, Colorado: January 17, 2015

We started making plans for what to do with the basement years ago - but this year is different!
We bought some shelves from Home Depot and Mike put them together today. (ok, it wasn't quite that quick and easy.
From the state of the basement areas around the shelves, I'm sure you can tell we also spent a bit of time moving stuff.)

We'll see how much stuff they hold and go from there.

Lots of work ahead of us....

In addition to all of that stuff, we also want to figure out storage for the art and the stuff in the basement bedroom
closet. We need to do some work on the room, and we're looking at redoing the closet from it's current haphazard misshapen self to a
standard closet, then put another shelf on the other side for storage.

Lastly, we'll need a place to store the snowman.

All the noise bothered the cats... Muggins is safely behind the couch. Cirrus said "It sounds like it's over. Is the
noise over?"

"Stop taking pictures, Kari. This is serious business."

"I'm thinking it's over. Just need to double check."

Last updated 17Jan2015

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