Golden, Colorado: October 11, 2015

Brought home half a buffalo (some of it is in Gwenn Sanders' freezer, since we didn't have enough room). 295 lb hanging weight, 240.6 lb in the freezer.

We ordered it from Edwards'Meats in Wheat Ridge.
Half a Buffalo from Edwards' Meats, Colorado
Half a Buffalo from Edwards' Meats, Colorado
Half a Buffalo from Edwards' Meats, Colorado

Our cats hate beeping. We have postulated that while they were alone in their flood-destroyed house for 10 days in 2013, awaiting rescue,
that something was beeping. Any time they hear something like a battery backup beeping, they absolutely freak out and are inconsolable. Time
has helped to tone down this behavior. This morning, while putting away the buffalo, we had the freezer door open awhile and it started beeping.
When we were done, I turned the corner to go upstairs, and I saw a sweet Cirrus with giant eyes staring into the basement... momentarily. He saw
me and got this miffed look on this face like "That was you beeping? You KNOW how I feel about beeping. Not funny, Kari, not funny". He whirled
around and stomped down the hall back to bed.

Last updated 26Dec2015

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