Post-Wedding Pictures from Uncle Leroy
Golden, Colorado: July, 1998

We took more pictures with the professional photographer (who happens to be the same person we bought our house from in 2003) after the ceremony. After we signed the marriage license, we headed back into the church:

Here's my cousin, Kaitlin:

Rannae decorated our rental car: (We were living in Woodland Hills, California)

After taking pictures at the church, we all drove to the park in the Denver Tech Center.

Group photo for Mike's family:

My dad being goofy, Marieke in the background:

My brother and Jarl:

More group pictures for Mike's family:

It looks like things have settled down in this one, so from left to right:
Auntie Linda, Danielle, Rob, and Rannae:
In front of Rob and Rannae - Mike's cousins Mark and Sarah with Grandma Kitty
Mike's Dad, me , Mike, Mike's Mom, his cousin Robert, Aunt Bella, Anna, Jay, and Uncle Mark behind Jay.

and then we turned into monkeys... *grin*

Kaitlin and Marieke:

My family:

The wedding party:
From left to right: My brother, Rob, Shawn, Jarl, Mike, me, Laurie, Sacha, Rannae, Marieke, and Sarah in front.

The entire wedding party:
From left to right in the back row: Jay, Danielle, Shawn, Laurie, Mike, Jarl, Anna, Sacha, Kaitlin, Robert
From left to right in the front row: my brother, Marieke, me, Rannae, Rob.

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979