Mother's Day Party
Golden, Colorado: May 17, 2015

Mike and I had planned to be in New Mexico on Mother's Day, and Rob and Terry were volunteering for our nieces' school, so Mike's parents
hosted a party the Sunday after Mother's Day to celebrate when everyone could be available and relaxed.

Here's Maddie and Val playing a game on the wall:
Madeline Lyon, Valerie Lyon
Mike and Rob (Maddie and Val's dad) chillin'
Rob Lyon, Michael Sanders
Terry was working away! That turkey was as tasty as it looks!
Terry Sanders
Mike and his grandma (Rob is there but not in the picture, as he likes it):
Pat Sanders (Grandma Kitty), Michael Sanders
Flowers Mike sent for Mother's Day while we were in New Mexico, "so she would be reminded of her delicate hothouse flower":

It's a party! Barbara Saban, Dale Nicholls (Mike's mom's brother), Rannae Lyon (Mike's sister), Will and Hannah Korosec (Dale and Barb's gradnchildren),
Maddie and Valerie Lyon (Rob and Rannae's daughters), and Mike:
Barbara Saban, Dale Nicholls, Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), William Korosec, Hannah Korosec, Madeline Lyon, Valerie Lyon, Michael Sanders
Dale set up a hunt for marbles in the back yard:
Dale Nicholls, William Korosec, Hannah Korosec, Madeline Lyon, Valerie Lyon

Maddie and Hannah playing with the marbles they found:
Hannah Korosec, Madeline Lyon
Madeline Lyon
Hannah Korosec
Whatever it is, Mike doesn't like it. (Mike talking with his mom, Gwenn):
Michael Sanders, Gwenn Sanders (Gwenn Nicholls)
Valerie is using the meditative approach to helping her parents find the remaining marbles:
Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), Rob Lyon, Valerie Lyon
Still hunting for marbles.
Michael Sanders, Gwenn Sanders (Gwenn Nicholls), Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), Rob Lyon, Valerie Lyon, William Korosec
Michael Sanders, Gwenn Sanders (Gwenn Nicholls), Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), Rob Lyon, Valerie Lyon
Time for some presents - Mother's Day, souvenirs from our New Mexico trip, and birthday presents for Valerie since we would be in Canada during her birthday.
Michael Sanders, Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), Valerie Lyon, William Korosec
Grandma Kitty opening cards:
Pat Sanders (Grandma Kitty)
Gwenn opening a souvenir/Mother's Day present:
Gwenn Sanders, Barbara Saban

Valerie's turn! First package is from my brother, Mike Rawluk:
Valerie Lyon
Valerie Lyon
Valerie Lyon, Pat Sanders (Grandma Kitty)
Next present is from my parents, Linda and Tony Rawluk:
Valerie Lyon
Valerie Lyon
Valerie Lyon
and then something from us:

Hannah's thought for the day: "I can't wait for my birthday!"

Last updated 16Jun2015

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