Valerie's Art Show
Lakewood, Colorado: March 6, 2015

Valerie was one of 6 students from her elementary school selected to have her art publicly displayed at Red rocks Community College as part of a county-wide art show. Wow!

We attended the opening night. Here she is in the lobby with her grandparents, Gwenn and Terry Sanders:
Valerie Lyon, Gwenn Sanders (Gwenn Nicholls), Terry Sanders at Red Rocks Community College
On the way to Valerie's display, we saw art from her friend, Xazha.

and here's the artist!
Valerie Lyon

Family picture! Terry Sanders, Rannae Lyon, Madeline Lyon, Valerie Lyon, my hubby, Gwenn Sanders, Rob Lyon.
Terry Sanders, Rannae Lyon (Rannae Sanders), Madeline Lyon, Valerie Lyon, MichaelSanders, Gwenn Sanders (Gwenn Nicholls), Rob Lyon (Schlep)
Valerie's art teacher told her to go find some art upstairs that she liked - so Valerie went to the school library (instead of other students' exhibits):
Valerie Lyon at Red Rocks Community College
wandering the exhibit...
Valerie Lyon at Red Rocks Community College
Valerie Lyon at Red Rocks Community College

Rannae invited us over for dinner (and Dexter's birthday!) - but first, we stopped by Mike's lab to change samples for his experiments.

Last updated 24Mar2015

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979