Los Alamos, New Mexico
April 28-30, 2002

I visited Los Alamos in order to have two interviews with the Dynamic Experiments division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Between interviews, I took some photos, with and without my new telephoto lens.

Scenery: Outside of Santa Fe
I made a few wrong turns trying to found the fountain in Santa Fe, and found this spot instead.
Santa Fe, NM

Scenery: Looking Between the Mesas
Real estate is precious in the town of Los Alamos, because it sits atop three finger mesas. There are steep canyons between the mesas, as below.
Los Alamos, NM

More Scenery from Los Alamos
Los Alamos, NM    Los Alamos, NM

The Town
The fire damage from the Forest Service's mishap a few years ago is visible on the mountains in the background.
Los Alamos, NM    Los Alamos, NM

Los Alamos, NM

"Rush-Hour" Traffic in Los Alamos

Los Alamos, NM

Leaving Los Alamos
Mom and Dad - thanks for the telephoto lens!
Los Alamos, NM

Los Alamos, NM

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979