Phoebe and the Gray Cat
Golden, Colorado: July 20, 2004

While we were in New York, the question came up a few times about whether or not we would want a second cat. Our reply was that we thought Phoebe wouldn't take well to it. She has certainly seen more than her fair share of suffering in this life, and we're sure she won't give up her station as the sole pet in the household without some trouble.

Well, almost to prove the point, Mike ended up a witness to the following exchange....

Since last summer, we have been getting visits from the gray kitten in the neighborhood. The first time we saw her was during a dinner with Mike's parents and my parents - so cute, so friendly, so playful....and getting so many dirty looks from Phoebe. The gray kitten is quickly growing into a cat, and she still likes to come by from time to time. She tends to have a Nermal-Garfield sort of relationship with Phoebe. (e.g., "I'm the cutest kitten in the world!" "Go away.")

Mike walked into the living room and saw Phoebe staring out the sliding glass window.

Phoebe and the gray cat

"Hey kiddo - what's up?" She wouldn't turn around.

Phoebe and the gray cat

Then, the problem became evident. The gray cat was on her patio.

Phoebe and the gray cat

Phoebe hissed. The gray cat responded. Mike went out there to explain to the little cat it was time to be on her way.

Phoebe and the gray cat

The moral of the story is that we stick by our plan of not getting a second cat for very real reasons. ;>)

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