Jarl's Birthday Party
Golden, Colorado: November 22, 2014

'Tis the season - for stomach flus and other lovely bugs. We were planning something bigger for Jarl's
birthday, but when Daniel came down with a nasty stomach flu Friday night, the plans were moified to Jarl coming
over for steak and a movie. Here are Cirrus and Muggins getting ready for the party (Jarl was forewarned and
entered quietly enough that he actually got to see them on the couch before Muggins ran away.)

Get your foot out of my face
Cirrus and Muggins
Peach pie and Lucerne's cinnamon cream ice cream for dessert! Mike put Jarl's age in binary (some of the
candles weren't lit)
Jarl Anderson and Michael Sanders

Cirrus stayed on the couch during the movie. Muggins spent some time being brave and sniffing Jarl's jacket
(it probably smells like their cat, Tashi) and he also was in lump o' Muggins mode at the end of the hall.
We watched the Fishbone documentary,"Everyday Sunshine" - very enjoyable! We also did some scotch tasting out of the cask strength
collection of closed distilleries - Littlemill (Mike's fave), Rosebank (my fave), and Port Ellen (peaty goodness from Islay).

Last updated 23Nov2014

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979