Mines Dinner at Sherpa House
Golden, Colorado: April 23, 2015

Mike and I attended the MME spring dinner to honor the graduating seniors from the Colorado School of Mines' Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department.
Some of them are his students this semester!

The dinner was held on the Sherpa House's patio - it was a little chilly but, overall, a lovely night to be out.
ticket for the 2015 MME Dinner at Sherpa House
The patio has a lovely view of South Table Mountain, which is more in focus in real life than I have it here.
South Table Mountain, Golden Colorado

Mike on the patio:
Michael Sanders

Cool fountain:

Mike's PhD advisor-now-boss Ryan's wife, Lisa, with their daughter, Anna:
Lisa Wong and Anna O'Hare
Mike with Ryan, Lisa, and Anna:
Michael Sanders, Ryan O'Hare, Lisa Wong and Anna O'Hare
Hannah took these at a kind of weird angle, but oh well...
Michael Sanders and Kari Sanders (Kari Sue Rawluk)
Michael Sanders and Kari Sanders (Kari Sue Rawluk)

Anna investigates the garden:
Anna O'Hare
Mike with Ivar and Ryan:
Michael Sanders, Ryan O'Hare, Ivar


I was still enchanted by the cool noise the fountain made as the water filtered through the fine gravel. Of course, it's hard to
capture it on video with the party going on:


Fountain at the Sherpa House AVI file, 3.5 Mb

Dinner time - the Sherpa House provided a nice buffet with a lot of our favorites.

Time for trivia on students and faculty ("Which graduating senior...", "Which professor or faculty member..."), followed by senior awards.

Michael Sanders

Michael Sanders

The crowd wanted this professor to drop the mic, but he wouldn't do it.

Party's over! Just a few more pictures on the way out...

Headed home, down Washington Avenue:
Washington Avenue, Golden Colorado
Washington Avenue, Golden Colorado
Mike slowed down so I could get a blurry picture of the sign. I'm happy with it. :>)
Howdy Folks! Welcome to Golden

Last updated 30Apr2015

Jarl's Pics
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