Auntie Linda's Bed & Breakfast
Midway Kentucky: August 4-6, 2004

Auntie Linda and Bill Shaw have a Bed and Breakfast on a horse farm in Kentucky. They are renting a house on that farm - more information about it is available on their web site,

This is the entrance to the B&B - a sign on the country road followed by a rather long tree-lined driveway.
Rebel's Roost sign
farm view

Stopping to visit Copper and Smooch...
Copper and Smooch

and finally, we see the house:
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost

looking down the driveway from the front of the house...
Rebel's Roost

This is a picture of the side yard.
Rebel's Roost

Here are some pictures of the horse farm surrounding the B&B:
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost

Mike, Rebel, and Auntie Linda on the porch:
Rebel's Roost

This picture of Auntie Linda, Mike and Rebel is a little blurry, but it is still one of my favorites.
Rebel's Roost

Tour of the House:

First, the Secretariat room,
Rebel's Roost

where Bill and Mike are playing pool
Rebel's Roost

and Pie is helping!
Rebel's Roost

Next, the guest bedrooms upstairs.
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost

This is the one we stayed in.
Rebel's Roost

Finally, the dining room, where every morning Bill served a breakfast that probably could have fed 10 people! It was always amazingly good, so we ate as much as we could.
Rebel's Roost

Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost

Everybody loves Pie!
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost
Rebel's Roost

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979