Summer and Anthony's Wedding
August 31, 2002

Mike, his parents, and I drove up to Kearny, Nebraska for Summer and Anthony's wedding on August 31. (Summer is the daughter of his parents' friends, Jim and Gwen Jessen.) The ceremony was held in a very pretty Methodist church. There were flowers and white candles all around.

Entrance to the Reception

The reception was held in a town theater. Since they were using a format in which they had a head table, the theater setting worked out very well. The head table was on the stage, and the tiered seating gave all the guest tables a good view.

This picture shows the gathering of well-wishers waiting for them at the reception (with bubbles)
as Anthony opens the car door for Summer.
The Gathering

The Reception

The bride and groom enter the theater.
Summer and Anthony

Entering the theater, from left to right: Summer's younger sister, Mariah;
her brother, Stormy with his fiancee, Juanita; and her father, Jim.
Wedding Party

Summer and Anthony cut their wedding cake.
Summer and Anthony cut the wedding cake

Mike's parents, Gwenn and Terry
Mike's parents

Summer sent this picture of her son, Chance Pryce Parker, with her thank-you note. In this picture, he is 3 months old.
Summer and Anthony's son

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979