First Full Day at Stephen Lake - Part 1
Wasilla, Alaska: June 14, 2014

We had a good flight in to Anchorage on th 13th. For our first full day, we spent time at the cabin and lake
with Don. To prepare for the day, Valerie braided Mike's hair:

heading out on the barge to go fishing:

Mike and his mom:

Mike and me:



Incoming!The lake is so quiet, you can really hear the helicopter. AVI file, 3.8 Mb


Fishing away.



Neighbor's plane - cruising along. AVI file, 46.7 Mb
Neighbor's plane - after takeoff. AVI file, 2.2 Mb
Neighbor's plane - takeoff #2. AVI file, 3.1 Mb




Rannae catches a fish!. AVI file, 1.2 Mb
Rannae's fish - part 2. AVI file, 2.7 Mb
Holy crudnickles?. AVI file, 4 Mb


Rannae's pike. The pike are an invasive species that is killing everything else in the lake,
so it is illegal to throw them back. The girls were surprisingly gleeful to have it slowly dying in a bucket.
The pike were later left on the shore across the lake from the cabin for the local bear.



Maddie's first fish!. AVI file, 7.1 Mb
Maddie's first fish - part 2. AVI file, 11.7 Mb


Maddie and her trout.

Time to hit the afterburners and go back to the cabin for lunch.



High speed travel. AVI file, 5.5 Mb


Heading back to the cabin.

From up at the new main cabin (complete with heat, running water, and power!) - view of Stephan Lake

View of the old cabin (where Mke and I stayed):

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Last updated 29Jun2014

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