We went to Ryan's parents' house in Silverthorne for the annual Colorado School of Mines Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MME) ski trip.
(Annual for us except for the last 3 years - I was sick in 2012 and sent the sauce with Yi, Ryan was in China for a sabbatical in 2013, and we hosted it
at our house in 2014, because Anna was not yet strong enough to be in the mountains.)
We started off in Dillon with Dan for a late lunch! We went to Pug Ryan's:
On the way back to the cabin, yes... I did stop in the middle of the road to get this picture. But I am glad I did! Storm clouds move in shortly thereafter.
Ryan's parents' house, where Mike and Dan were watching The Islanders in the Stanley Cup Playoffs:
Time to warm up the sauce!
While the sauce was warming up, I took some pictures of the views from the cabin:
Go Islanders!
Still snow for skiing!
Mike and Dan played bocce ball after they were done watching the game:
Cool clouds:
As the afternoon wore on, everyone started to return from their adventures. Here Svitlana is working on a potato salad while
talking with her husband, Tim, and Prabu's daughter, Jaya.
Dinner time!
Prabu, Tim, and Taehyun Park (visiting student from Korea):
Prabu's wife, Raji, got help from Svitlana and Debora in making fried chicken dumplings to go with dinner:
Dan took a picture of Mike and I with the sauce for my company recipe book submission:
Prabu, Raji, and Svitlana:
From left to right: Allen Barcellos (Debora's husband); Prabu's youngest daughter; Ryan's wife Lisa with their daughter, Anna;
Tim and Svitlana's daughter Sacha; Taehyun; Tim; and Prabu:
So camera shy....
Anna goes for an after dinner walk:
Anna retreated to safety.
Prabu's daughter, Svitlana's daughter, and Ryan's daughter:
Svitlana, Raji, Allen, and Debora:
Dessert time!
Debora made a custard dish as well as apple crumble:
It's snowing!
Game time!
From left to right: Mike, Debora, Allen, Prabu with his wife and daughter:
From left to right: Lisa (who wasn't feeling well), Ryan, Svitlana with Tim and Sacha, Taehyun, Dan, Mike, Debora, Allen:
I went to bed early, but the party continued...
Cooling off by making snow angels:
More bocce ball:
Good shot!
The next morning, everything looked so pretty with the fresh snow on it:
Last updated 16May2015