Wedding Rehearsal Pictures from Uncle Leroy
Golden, Colorado: July, 1998

The year was 1998 and digital cameras were still in their infancy...but useful (like how these pictures are being posted before many of the photographs that I still haven't scanned ;>) ) My uncle took these pictures with his digital camera, which stored the pictures on a 3 1/4" floppy disk.

So, here we are at the rehearsal (which was followed by the rehearsal dinner).
Before we got started, by the church entrance:
On the left, Mike's Uncle Dale (mom's brother), with his wife Barbara and my Dad in the background.
On the right, their two sons - Jay is holding Casey. Aunt Bella (Mike's dad's brother's wife), Grandma Kitty (his dad's mom), and our friend Todd Einess.
My dad:

Mike and Jarl (best man):

Laurie (maid of honor):

My brother:

Rehearsing the entrance, from left to right: Mike's cousin Sarah (flower girl), Reverand George, Mike, Jarl, Shawn, Rob (Rannae's hubby, though still her boyfriend at that time), my brother

From left to right: My cousin Marieke, Mike's sister Rannae, Sacha, Laurie:

Bagpipe player, with Aunt Bella watching:

Bagpipes going down the aisle (quite loud!)


Dad walking me down the aisle:

The Reverand speaking:

My brother listening to the instructions:

Marieke and Rannae listening:

My dad:

My mom:

Reverand George giving instructions to Mike and me:

"Unity candle" (you have to pretend it's there):

Presentation of the couple:

My brother and Marieke exit:

My parents:

Getting ready to go to dinner:

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979