Maddie's First Trip to the Zoo
Denver, Colorado: June 8, 2007

Maddie went to the zoo on Friday with her mom, grandma, and uncle. It's a lot for a 14-month old to process. Here she is before going in, apparently wondering why she is the only one in the group without sunglasses.
Link to Video: Maddie Enters the Denver Zoo, 1.05 Mb

The lions were the first stop.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Lions, Part 1, 6.4 Mb
Here she is inside with the lions. She does look a bit confused still.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Lions, Part 2, 3.9 Mb

The hyenas were hard for her to understand because they were far away and not moving much. But Mike did catch some video of the new baby hyena.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Hyenas, 3.2 Mb

Now she's getting it.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Ox, 2.1 Mb

She really liked the goats. We think the fact that they were moving about helped her find them.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Goats, Part 1, 8.4 Mb
Baby goats:
Link to Video: Maddie and the Goats, Part 2, 3.5 Mb

Monkees are weird - she really didn't know what to make of them.
Link to Video: Maddie and the Monkees, 6.5 Mb

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