Family Party at Our House
Golden, Colorado: August 16, 2014

My parents bought the food and we hosted the party - both sides of our family
got together for a nice evening.

Mike's sister, Rannae Lyon, with her two daughters, Madeline (Maddie) and Valerie (Val),
with my brother, Mike Rawluk, and (in the purple) our neighbor's daughter, Hannah.

I missed what Kaitlin's story was about. My mom, Linda Rawluk, with my cousin and her husband,
Kaitlin and Josh Brandstadter, Auntie Linda (Linda Sanders, Mike's dad's sister), and
Grandma Kitty (Patricia Sanders, Mike's dad's mom).

Uncle Leroy (Bob Rawluk, my dad's brother), Aunt Darcy (Darcy Stricker, Leroy's wife),
my cousin Jessica (Jessica Moffett), my dad (Tony Rawluk), Mike's mom (Gwenn Sanders),
and Mike's Dad (Terry Sanders).

Mike with Rannae's hubby (Rob Lyon) and Uncle Dale (Dale Nicholls, Mike's mom's brother).

Family pictures!
From left to right:
My brother with Maddie
Jessica with Leroy and Darcy
Kaitlin and Josh
Grandma Kitty, me, my dad, Val, Auntie Linda
My mom, Mike's dad, Mike, Mike's mom, Rob, and Rannae.

Last updated 24Aug2014

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979