Christmas Party
Golden, Colorado: December 16, 2012

We went to a Christmas Eve party at Mike's parents' house for his mom's side of the family. Here's the tree:

Our nieces, Maddie and Val.

Maddie and Val with Mike's cousin's twins, Will and Hannah.

From left to right: Mike's sister Rannae, his cousin Danielle, Danielle's step brother Jay, Mike's mom's cousin Scott, Travis (Dave's son), and Mike's mom's cousin Dave.

Mike looks unconvinced.

Mike's cousin Casey (Jay's brother) and Val.

From left to right: Mike's mom's brother Dale and his wife Barb, Mike's dad, Mike's mom's cousin Frankie, Mike's mom's cousin Dave with his wife Nancy and son Travis.

Will, Hannah, and Maddie

From left to right: Mike's mom, Rob, Rannae, Josh, Danielle, Casey, Anna (Casey & Jay's sister), Scott and Jay


Mike and Casey

Waiting for present time! During this period of time, Mike was unsuccessful in convincing the kids that all the presents were for him. He was unable to make his case because they can all read now.

Present time!

Mike found someone soft to hug. (Maddie)

Last updated 01Jan2013

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