Cute Nutcracker Thank-You Card
Golden, Colorado: December 24, 2013

On Sunday, December 22, I went to see a production of the Nutcracker ballet by the Longmont Dance Theater.
I had been told of the production by a friend at work whose family was involved. It turned into quite an outing - with the thought that Maddie and Val might enjoy it, just as I had enjoyed the Nutcracker when I was a kid. Specifically, Diana and I had talked tat perhaps the presence of kids their age in the production would speak to them more.
I went to the ballet with my parents, Diana, Maddie, and Val. We stopped for lunch on the way at Good Times burgers.
We had front row seats, right near the orchestra pit. The show was fantastic - very well done and all the young dancers were very talented. Good call on the kids thing - a few times during the first half, I heard them happily exclaim "kids!" as a new set of young dancers took the stage.
By the second half, it was clear that the girls were hooked. Maddie was curled up in her seat enthralled by the story, and Val was sitting on my dad's lap pretending to conduct an orchestra (she was a little too short to see from her seat).

Much to my delight, I got an adorable thank-you card from them:

Last updated 31Dec2013

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