Look Out, Little Rabbit!
Golden, Colorado: September 6, 2014

Mike said you never know what you'll see when you look in our back yard....

Thursday morning, I had gone to get the paper, and came upon a rabbit with askew ears,
who was staring at the next street over. I thought I heard a hawk
shrieking, and I told the rabbit, "Yeah, I hear it, too." Our Saturday visitor was a red-tailed hawk who was
fighting with an apple (and hopping mad because he was losing the battle):

By the way he was hopping, we at first thought he might be hurt.

but he could fly just fine, and was very intent on the apple tree.

What followed next was quite a display along the fence line as the hawk hopped and twirled, rolling
the apple along thr ground. Back and forth. More hopping and twirling, but he was unable to pick it up.

Frustrated, he finally took off over the house, flying right over one of our neighborhood rabbits.

....who stayed right there, just like that, for about 25 minutes.

I had thought the hawk on Thursday morning might have been shrieking at a rabbit, but now
I am quite convinced he was yelling at the neighbor's apple tree.

No rabbits were harmed in the making of this web page.

Last updated 07Sep2014

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