Christmas Eve at Grandma Kitty's House
Golden, Colorado: December 24, 2005

We met for a very nice dinner and present exchange at Grandma Kitty's (Mike's Dad's mom) house. Here's Mike with his parents and Grandma:

Here's Mike holding a present from his sister, with Aunt Bella in the background:

Opening presents, from left to right: Rannae, Terry, Mark, Grandma Kitty, and Sarah

Mark playing with his new sweatshirt:

Mike, Rob, and Gwenn:

We made sure we got some group photos, since we usually forget to take those until after everyone has left. From left to right: Mark, Gwenn and Terry, Aunt Bella in the background, Rannae, Grandma Kitty, Mike, Sarah, me, Uncle Mark, and Robert (Robert, Mark, and Sarah are Mark and Bella's kids).

Same picture, but replace me with Rannae's hubby, Rob: