Post-Solstice Party
Golden, Colorado: December 27, 2014

Not only was the solstice on a Sunday, but I was working that day! So, we hosted a post-solstice party
the following Saturday night.
I'm all ready, wearing the necklace my parents gave me for Yule:
Kari Sanders (Kari Rawluk)
Kari Sanders (Kari Rawluk)
The house is ready!

The first pit is ready.

Muggins, not so much.

Party time!
Mike works with Deborah - this is her husband, Alan, with Jarl's family - Chrysti and Katrina:
Christy Tidd, Katrina Anderson
Out by the fire - Mike with Tim and Becky Jochum:
Michael Sanders, Becky Jochum, Tim Jochum

It was a cold but clear night. The view of the stars was so crisp.

Deborah with Christy, Daniel, and Katrina:

Jarl with Christy and Katrina:

Mike and me!
Michael Sanders, Kari Sanders (Kari Rawluk)
Daniel was busy explaining the rules of entering the covered patio turned Sonic restaurant.

Katrina Anderson



Fire! AVI file, 1.3 Mb


The fire and the moon:

Watching the fire from inside for a couple of minutes:

Muggins wanted no part of the festivities.

My brother and Princess:
Mike Rawluk, Princess
Cirrus was tired of playing host - good night!

Last updated 01Jan2015

Jarl's Pics
1905 - 1979