Golden, Colorado: October 31, 2014

I came home from work to find Muggins has discovered our bed to be a good spot for sleeping.

I went outside to carve my rotting pumpkins. I had left them out on the rock island, and something
discovered them, punched holes in them and ate all the seeds. Based on how they would move around at night, I
have guessed it was the handiwork of our local deer. But it made carving so easy! (which was great, since I only
had about 5 minutes to devote to the task - got home later than planned due to proposal work) The inside was already
cleaned out for me and the sides of the pumpkin were so soft that I probably didn't need the sharp knife I had brought out there.
I worked carefully around the terrified rabbit under the junipen (juniper tree + aspen tree).

The cats are ready for trick or treaters! Cirrus is available, Muggins is behind the couch.

decorations at night:

Muggins came out of hiding to see Mike


Only 24 trick or treaters so far? Cirrus is bored.

Our nieces are here! Here's Valerie as Athena

and Madeline as a raccoon

examining treats with Mike and Rannae:

Cirrus likes being the center of attention

Valerie finds that Mike's leather trench coat is heavy

Last updated 01 Nov2014